Shopify + Etsy
made easy.

MESA is the easiest way to create Shopify and Etsy integrations so you can automate any work - no code required.

MESA empowers you to build any solution. Scale faster and more efficiently than ever before. When you're able to build your ideas, you're free to explore unique ways to expand your role and business. What will you make today?

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How does Etsy work with Shopify?

With Shopify and Etsy integrations, you can get more done in days, not months. Automate the work that solves your everyday problems and the challenges currently holding back your progress.

  • Synchronized Product Inventory

    etsy logo icon

    By integrating your Shopify store with Etsy, your inventory is updated between the two platforms. Sell a product on Shopify? It's updated on Etsy. Sell it on Etsy? It's updated on Shopify. This ensures that you're never selling something you don't have, enhancing customer trust and reducing your stress.

  • Unified Order Processing

    etsy logo icon

    Juggling orders from multiple platforms is time-consuming. By connecting Shopify and Etsy, you can centralize your order processing. All orders, whether from Shopify or Etsy, can be managed from one location. This streamlines your fulfillment process and reduces errors.

  • Expanded Customer Reach

    etsy logo icon

    Etsy has a unique community of shoppers passionate about handmade, vintage, and unique items. By selling your products on both Shopify and Etsy, you're reaching a broader and more diverse audience. More eyes on your products mean more potential sales.

  • Consistent Branding and Marketing

    etsy logo icon

    Your brand is your identity, and consistent branding across platforms builds recognition and trust. By connecting your Shopify store with Etsy, you can maintain consistent product details. This uniformity creates a cohesive shopping experience, no matter where your customers find you.

  • Data-Driven Insights

    etsy logo icon

    Knowledge is power, and integrating Shopify and Etsy gives you a holistic view of your sales performance across platforms. Understand what sells best where, identify trends, and uncover opportunities for growth. Make informed decisions that drive sales and profitability.

  • Solve more business-critical tasks

    etsy logo icon

    MESA helps you simplify your operations into efficient workflows that run immediately when the work happens. More ideas are now possible and more challeneges can be solved through the power of no-code automation solutions.

Popular Shopify to Etsy Templates

These workflow templates are 100% customizable. One-click add them to your store then start personalizing any step to your exact requirements — no code required.

Loved by 1k+ brands using Shopify & Shopify Plus.

Logo: GLDN Logo: MUD/WTR Logo: Bartesian Logo: Allure Logo: Chubbies

How to connect Shopify to Etsy

Connecting Shopify to Etsy has never been easier. With MESA, making complex integrations between Shopify and Etsy only takes a few minutes — no code required. Automate basic data entry or connect the systems that run your business. Solve more business-critical problems with MESA and accomplish more with less resources.

  1. First, create a new workflow in MESA.

    Workflows are simply the steps of an automation that runs automatically.

  2. Next, pick one of the apps as a trigger step - this will start your workflow.

    This is what kicks off your automation to run automatically.

  3. Then, choose an action step from another app for unique customization.

    This is where the magic happens. 🪄

  4. Lastly, personalize the data being sent from one app to another.

    Use the various fields within each stel to personalize your workflow. Test your automation to ensure everything is running properly.

  5. Finished!

    Just turn on this Shopify to Etsy workflow and MESA will start doing this work for you. Look at you embracing the automation lifestyle!

Build your own Shopify Etsy workflows using these steps

Quickly make any workflow between two or more apps.

These are triggers. They're what start your workflow to run automatically. Use any of these trigger steps to start your workflow when…

These are actions. Workflows can multiple actions to make personalized integrations. Use any of these action steps to make your workflow do…

  • Get List of Buyer Taxonomies
    Obtain a list of the full hierarchy tree of buyer taxonomies.
  • Get List of Properties by Buyer Taxonomy
    Obtain a list of product properties supported for a specific buyer taxonomy ID.
  • Create Draft Listing
    Create a physical draft listing product in a shop on the Etsy channel.
  • Get List of Listings by Shop
    Obtain a list of listings that belong to a shop.
  • Delete Listing
    Remove a shop listing. A shop listing can be deleted only if the state is one of the following: Sold Out, Draft, Expired, Inactive, Active and Is Available or Active and has seller flags: Supressed, Vacation, Custom Shops, Sell on Facebook.
  • Retrieve Listing
    Grab all details about a listing record by listing ID.
  • Delete File from Listing
    Remove a file from a specific listing. When you delete the final file for a digital listing, the listing converts into a physical listing.
  • Retrieve Listing File
    Grab all details about a single file associated with the given digital listing.
  • Get List of Listing Files
    Obtain a list of all the files associated with the given digital listing.
  • Upload Listing File
    Upload a new file for a digital listing, or associates an existing file with a specific listing.
  • Get List of Created Active Listings
    Obtain a list of all active created listings on Etsy by their creation date.
  • Get List of Updated Active Listings
    Obtain a list of all active updated listings on Etsy paginated by their creation date.
  • Get List of Active Listings
    Obtain a list of all active listings on Etsy by their creation date.
  • Grab List of Active Listings by Shop
    Obtain a list of all active listings on Etsy in a specific shop.
  • Get List of Listing Images
    Obtain a list of all listing image resources for a listing by a specific listing ID.
  • Retrieve Listing Inventory
    Grab all details about the inventory record for a listing.
  • Update Listing Inventory
    Modify the inventory for a listing identified by a listing ID.
  • Retrieve Listing Product
    Grab all details about a ListingProduct by ID.
  • Retrieve Listing Offering
    Grab all details about an offering for a listing.
  • Get List of Multiple Listings
    Obtain a list of multiple listings by listing id.
  • Get List of Featured Listings
    Obtain a list of listings associated to a Shop that are featured.
  • Delete Listing Property
    Remove a property from a listing.
  • Update Listing Property
    Modify the properties list defining product offerings for a listing.
  • Retrieve Listing Properties
    Grab all details about a listing's properties.
  • Get List of Shop Receipt Transactions by Listing
    Obtain a list of transactions associated with a listing.
  • Create Listing Translation
    Create a listing translation.
  • Retrieve Listing Translation
    Grab all details about a translation for a listing in the given language.
  • Update Listing Translation
    Update a list translation.
  • Update Listing
    Modify a listing.
  • Get List of Listing Variation Images
    Obtain a list of all variation images on a listing.
  • Create or Update Listing Variation Image
    Create or modify variation images on a listing. The update overwrites all existing variation images on a listing.
  • Retrieve Shop Payment Account Ledger's Entry
    Grab all details about a shop payment account ledger's entry.
  • Get List of Shop Payment Account Ledger's Entries
    Obtain a list of shop payment account ledger's entries.
  • Get List of Payment Account Ledger Entry Payments
    Obtain a list of payment account ledger entry payments.
  • Retrieve Payment from Receipt
    Grab all details about a payment from a specific receipt.
  • Get List of Payments
    Obtain a list of payments from a shop.
  • Retrieve Shop Receipt
    Grab all details about a receipt from an Etsy shop.
  • Update Shop Receipt
    Modify the status of a receipt from an Etsy shop.
  • Get List of Shop Receipts
    Obtain a list of the shop receipts from a specific shop.
  • Get List of Receipt Listings
    Obtain a list of all listings associated with a receipt.
  • Create Receipt Shipment
    Submits tracking information for a shop receipt, which creates a shop receipt shipment entry for the given receipt. Each time you successfully submit tracking info, Etsy sends a notification email to the buyer.
  • Get List of Shop Receipt Transactions
    Obtain a list of transactions associated with a specific receipt.
  • Get List of Listing Reviews
    Obtain a list of reviews for a listing.
  • Get List of Shop Reviews
    Obtain a list of reviews for a shop.
  • Retrieve Seller Taxonomies
    Grab all details about the full hierarchy tree of seller taxonomies.
  • Get List of Properties by Seller Taxonomy
    Obtain a list of product properties supported for a specific seller taxonomy.
  • Get List of Shipping Carriers
    Obtain a list of available shipping carriers and the mail classes associated with them for a given country.
  • Retrieve Shop
    Grab all details about the shop.
  • Update Shop
    Modify a shop.
  • Retrieve Shop by Owner
    Grab all details about the shop by a shop owner.
  • Search Shop by Name
    Search for a shop by name.
  • Get List of Shop Production Partners
    Obtain a list of production partners available in the specific Etsy shop.
  • Create Shop Section
    Create a new section in a specific shop.
  • Get List of Shop Sections
    Obtain a list of shop sections in a specific shop.
  • Delete Shop Section
    Remove a section in a shop.
  • Retrieve Shop Section
    Grab all details about a shop section.
  • Update Shop Section
    Modify a section in a shop.
  • Get List of Listings by Shop Section
    Obtain a list of all the listings from the section of a specific shop.
  • Create Shipping Profile
    Create a shipping profile for a shop.
  • Get List of Shipping Profiles
    Obtain a list of shipping profiles available in an Etsy shop.
  • Delete Shipping Profile
    Remove a shipping profile from a shop.
  • Retrieve Shipping Profile
    Grab all details about a shipping profile.
  • Update Shipping Profile
    Modify the settings in a shipping profile.
  • Create Shipping Profile Destination
    Create a shipping destination, which sets the shipping cost, carrier, and class for a destination in a shipping profile.
  • Get List of Shipping Profile Destination By Shipping Profile
    Obtain a list of shipping destinations associated with a shipping profile.
  • Delete Shipping Profile Destination
    Remove a shipping destination and remove the destination option from every listing that uses the associated shipping profile. You cannot delete the final shipping destination for any shipping profile.
  • Update Shipping Profile Destination
    Modify an existing shipping destination, which can set or reassign the shipping cost, carrier, and class for a destination.
  • Create Shipping Profile Upgrade
    Create a shipping profile upgrade, which can establish a price for a shipping option, such as an alternate carrier or faster delivery.
  • Get List of Shipping Profile Upgrades
    Obtain a list of shipping profile upgrades assigned to a specific shipping profile.
  • Delete Shipping Profile Upgrade
    Remove a shipping profile upgrade and remove the upgrade option from every listing that uses the associated shipping profile.
  • Update Shiping Profile Upgrade
    Modify a shipping profile upgrade and update any listings that use the shipping profile.
  • Retrieve Receipt Transaction
    Grab all details about a transaction.
  • Get List of Shop Receipt Transactions
    Obtain a list of transactions associated with a shop.
  • Delete User's User Address
    Remove an user address for a user.
  • Retrieve User's User Address
    Grab all details about an user's user address.
  • Retrieve User
    Grab all details about an user profile.
  • Upload Image on Listing
    Upload an image on an existing listing.
  • Exclusive Order Add Tag
    Add one or more new tags to an existing order.
  • Exclusive Customer Add Tag
    Add one or more new tags to an existing customer.
  • Exclusive Product Add Tag
    Add one or more new tags to an existing product.
  • Exclusive Draft Order Add Tag
    Add one or more new tags to an existing draft order.
  • Exclusive Draft Order Remove Tag
    Add one or more new tags to an existing draft order.
  • Exclusive Add Line Item to Order
    Edit a completed order to add a product or gift as a new line item.
  • Exclusive Update Order Notes
    Modify an order with notes that will appear on the admin page.
  • Exclusive Update Customer Notes
    Modify a customer's profile with notes that will appear on the admin page.
  • Exclusive Set Order Metafield
    Create or update an existing metafield value on an order.
  • Exclusive Set Draft Order Metafield
    Create or update an existing metafield value on a draft order.
  • Exclusive Set Product Metafield
    Create or update an existing metafield value on a product.
  • Exclusive Set Product Variant Metafield
    Create or update an existing metafield value on a product variant.
  • Exclusive Set Customer Metafield
    Create or update an existing metafield value on a customer.
  • Get List of Orders
    Obtain a list of orders of any status, including archived orders. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Order
    Create an order.
  • Update Order
    Modify an order's details.
  • Retrieve Order
    Grab all details about the order.
  • Count Orders
    Add up all orders.
  • Delete Order
    Remove an order from the online store.
  • Cancel Order
    Cancel an existing order.
  • Create Product
    Create a product.
  • Get List of Products
    Obtain a list of existing products. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Product
    Grab all details about the product.
  • Count Products
    Add up all products.
  • Update Product
    Modify a product's details.
  • Delete Product
    Remove a product from the online store.
  • Get List of Customers
    Obtain a list of existing customers. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Customer
    Create a new customer record.
  • Delete Customer
    Remove a customer from the online store.
  • Count Customers
    Add up all customers.
  • Update Customer
    Modify a customer's account details.
  • Retrieve Customer
    Grab all details about the customer.
  • Set Default Address
    Set a default address for a customer.
  • Get List of Article Authors
    Obtain a list of all article authors. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Article Tags
    Obtain a list of tags for a specific article. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Balance Transactions
    Obtain a list of existing balance transactions ordered by most recent processing time. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Blog
    Create a blog for the blog articles.
  • Get List of Blogs
    Obtain a list of all blogs. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Blogs
    Returns the number of blogs on your store.
  • Retrieve Blogs
    Grab all details about the blog.
  • Delete Blog
    Remove a blog from the online store.
  • Update Blog
    Modify a blog's details.
  • Create Blog Article
    Create a new blog article for a blog.
  • Get List of Blog Articles
    Obtain a list of blog articles from a blog. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Update Blog Article
    Modify a blog article's content and details.
  • Retrieve Blog Article
    Grab all details about the specific blog article.
  • Count Blog Articles
    Add up blog articles within a blog.
  • Delete Blog Article
    Remove an existing blog article from a blog.
  • Get List of Carrier Services
    Obtain a list of carrier services. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Carrier Service
    Create a carrier service that provides real-time shipping rates.
  • Retrieve Carrier Service
    Grab all details about the carrier service by its id.
  • Delete Carrier Service
    Remove a carrier service from the online store.
  • Update Carrier Service
    Modify an existing carrier service.
  • Get List of Custom Collections
    Obtain a list of custom collections. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Custom Collection
    Create a new custom collection.
  • Delete Custom Collection
    Remove a custom collection.
  • Retrieve Custom Collection
    Grab all details about the a custom collection.
  • Count Custom Collections
    Obtain a count of custom collections.
  • Create Comment
    Create a comment for a blog article.
  • Get List of Comments
    Obtain a list of comments for all or specific blog articles. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Comment
    Add up comments for all or specific articles.
  • Retrieve Comment
    Grab all details about a specific comment.
  • Update Comment
    Modify comment on an article.
  • Approve Comment
    Approve a comment.
  • Remove Comment
    Remove a comment.
  • Restore Comment
    Restore a previously removed comment.
  • Create Comment Spam
    Mark a comment as spam.
  • Mark Comment as Not Spam
    Mark a comment as not spam after it has been marked as spam.
  • Create Country
    Create a country using a custom tax rate or Shopify's tax rate.
  • Get List of Countries
    Obtain a list of countries enabled on your store's checkout. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Countries
    Add up countries.
  • Retrieve Country
    Grab all details about the country by its id.
  • Update Country
    Modify a country's tax rate.
  • Delete Country
    Remove an existing country from the online store.
  • Get List of Country Provinces
    Obtain a list of country provinces. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Country Province
    Grab all details about a specific country province.
  • Count Country Province
    Add up provinces for a country.
  • Update Country Province
    Modify a province for a country.
  • Get List of Currencies
    Obtain a list of currencies enabled on the online store. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create a Customer Account Activation URL
    Create an account activation URL for a customer that does not currently have an enabled account.
  • Create a Customer Address
    Create a new address for a customer.
  • Get List of Customer Addresses
    Obtain a list of customer addresses on the online store. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Customer Address
    Grab all details about the customer address.
  • Update Customer Address
    Modify an existing customer's address.
  • Delete Customer Address
    Remove an address from an existing customer’s address list.
  • Get List of Customer Orders
    Obtain a list of all customer's orders. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Customer Searches
    Obtain a list of customer searches. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Customer Send Invite
    Send an account invite to a specific customer.
  • Get List of Discount Code Lookups
    Obtain a list of searches for a discount code. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Draft Orders
    Obtain a list of existing draft orders. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Draft Order
    Create a draft order.
  • Delete Draft Order
    Remove a draft order from the online store.
  • Retrieve Draft Order
    Grab all details about a specific draft order.
  • Count Draft Order
    Add up all existing draft orders.
  • Update Draft Order
    Modify an existing draft order.
  • Update Draft Order Complete
    Complete a draft order and mark it as paid or pending.
  • Send Invoice for Draft Order
    Send an invoice for a draft order.
  • Get List of Events
    Obtain a list of events including smart collections, articles, pages, orders, blogs, orders, products and more. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Events
    Add up all events or number of events since a specified time.
  • Retrieve Event
    Grab all details about the event by its id.
  • List Order Fulfillments
    Retrieve a list of fulfillments on an order
  • Create Fulfillment Event
    Create a fulfillment event (tracking event).
  • Get List of Fulfillment Events
    Obtain a list of all fulfillment events that are linked to a specific fulfillment. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Delete Fulfillment Event
    Remove a fulfillment event from an order.
  • Retrieve Fulfillment Event
    Grab all details about the fulfillment event.
  • Get List of Fufillment Services
    Obtain a list of your app's or all of the shop's fulfillment services. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Fulfillment Service
    Grab all details about the fulfillment service by its id.
  • Update Fulfillment Service
    Modify a fulfillment service used on the online store.
  • Delete Fulfillment Service
    Remove an existing fulfillment service from the online store.
  • Get List of Inventory Items
    Obtain a list of inventory items from a single product. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Update Inventory Item
    Modify an inventory item's SKU or unit cost.
  • Retrieve Inventory Item
    Grab all details about the inventory item by id.
  • Delete Inventory Level
    Remove an inventory item's inventory level entirely at a location.
  • Get List of Inventory Levels
    Obtain a list of all inventory levels from an inventory item. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Adjust Inventory Level
    Adjust a product variant's inventory level at a single location.
  • Create Inventory Level Connect
    Connect an inventory item to a location by creating an inventory level at that location.
  • Set Inventory Level
    Set a product variant's inventory level at a single location to a specific value (like 0).
  • Get List of Locations
    Obtain a list of all locations on the online store. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Location
    Grab all details about the geographical location.
  • Count Locations
    Add up all store locations.
  • Get List of Location Inventory Levels
    Obtain a list of inventory levels for a location. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Marketing Event
    Create a marketing event on the online store.
  • Get List of Marketing Events
    Obtain a list of marketing events. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Marketing Events
    Add up all marketing events.
  • Retrieve Marketing Event
    Grab all details about the marketing event by its ID.
  • Update Marketing Event
    Modify a marketing event's remote_id, timestamps, and currency & budget.
  • Delete Marketing Event
    Remove a marketing event from your online store.
  • Create Marketing Event Engagement
    Create a marketing event engagement.
  • Close an order
    Close an order.
  • Get List of Order Fulfillments
    Obtain a list of order fulfillments. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Order Fulfillments
    Add up fulfillments for a specific order.
  • Create Order Open
    Create an opened order.
  • Create Order Refund
    Create a refunded order to record the money returned to the customer.
  • Get List of Order Refunds
    Obtain a list of all refunds for an order. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Calculate Order Refund
    Sum up refunded transactions based on shipping and line items.
  • Retrieve Order Refund
    Grab all details about a specific refund.
  • Get List of Order Risks
    Obtain a list of existing order risks on a single order. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Order Risk
    Create an order risk displaying a fraud risk with proxy detection.
  • Retrieve Order Risk
    Grab all details about the order risk from a specific order.
  • Update Order Risk
    Modify an existing order risk for an order.
  • Delete Order Risk
    Remove an order risk from an order.
  • Create Order Transaction
    Create an order transaction that results in an exchange of money.
  • Get List of Order Transactions
    Obtain a list of order transactions on the online store. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Order Transaction
    Grab all details about a specific order transaction.
  • Count Order Transactions
    Add up existing order transactions.
  • Create Page
    Add a new page with static content.
  • Get List of Pages
    Obtain a list of all pages on the online store. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Pages
    Add up pages with specific parameters.
  • Retrieve Page
    Grab all details about the page by its id.
  • Update Page
    Modify a page's details.
  • Delete Page
    Remove a page.
  • Get List of Policies
    Obtain a list of policies that your store has configured for. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Price Rule
    Create a price rule with specific entitlements and prerequisites.
  • Get List of Price Rules
    Obtain a list of established price rules. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Delete Price Rule
    Remove a price rule from your online store.
  • Count Price Rules
    Add up price rules.
  • Retrieve Price Rule
    Grab all details about the price rule.
  • Update Price Rule
    Modify a price rule's title.
  • Create Price Rule Discount Code
    Create a price rule discount code with specific entitlements and prerequisites.
  • Get List of Price Rule Discount Codes
    Obtain a list of price rule discount codes on the online store. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Update Price Rule Discount Code
    Modify an existing price rule discount code.
  • Delete Price Rule Discount Code
    Remove a price rule discount code from the online store.
  • Retrieve Price Rule Discount Code
    Grab all details about the price rule discount code.
  • Create Product Image
    Create a product image to be added to a Shopify product.
  • Get List of Product Image
    Obtain a list of product images from a specific product. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Product Images
    Add up product images for a specific product or after a specified ID.
  • Retrieve Product Image
    Grab all details about the product image.
  • Update Product Image
    Modify a product image's details such as alt and metafield.
  • Delete Product Image
    Remove a product image from a specific product.
  • Get List of Product Variants
    Obtain a list of product variants from an existing product. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Product Variant
    Create a new product variant for a product.
  • Delete Product Variant
    Remove a product variant from a product.
  • Count Product Variant
    Add up all product variants established for a product.
  • Get List of Redirects
    Obtain a list of URL redirects. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Redirect
    Create a redirect on the online store.
  • Retrieve Redirect
    Grab all details about a specific redirect by its ID.
  • Count Redirects
    Add up redirects with given path or target.
  • Update Redirect
    Modify a redirect's path and target URIs.
  • Delete Redirect
    Remove an existing redirect established on the online store.
  • Get List of Reports
    Obtain a list of all reports that are published. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Report
    Create a report with a name and a ShopifyQL.
  • Retrieve Report
    Grab all details about an existing report.
  • Delete Report
    Remove an existing report from the Shopify Reports page.
  • Update Report
    Modify a published report's details.
  • Create Resource Feedback
    Create a resource feedback for a specific product by using its product id.
  • Get List of Resource Feedbacks
    Obtain a list of resource feedbacks for a specific product by using its product id. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Shops
    Obtain a list of existing shops. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Shopify Payment Balances
    Obtain a list of Shopify account's current balance. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Shopify Payment Disputes
    Obtain a list of Shopify payment disputes sorted by specific dates or all disputes that have won. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Shopify Payment Dispute
    Grab all details about the Shopify payment dispute by id.
  • Get List of Shopify Payment Payouts
    Obtain a list of Shopify payment payouts sorted by specific dates. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Shopify Payment Payout
    Grab all details about the Shopify payment payout by id.
  • Create Smart Collection
    Create a smart collection using specific rules.
  • Get List of Smart Collections
    Obtain a list of all existing smart collections or those that fit a specific criteria. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Smart Collection
    Grab all details about the smart collection.
  • Count Smart Collections
    Add up all smart collections on your online store or those that fit a specific criteria.
  • Update Smart Collection
    Modify an existing smart collection's details.
  • Delete Smart Collection
    Remove a smart collection from your online store.
  • Update Smart Collection Order
    Modify manually sorted products in an existing smart collection.
  • Get List of Tender Transactions
    Obtain a list of existing tender transactions between the Shopify store and a customer. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Create Theme
    Create a theme that is published and has a custom name.
  • Get List of Themes
    Obtain a list of all unpublished and current themes. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Update Theme
    Modify a theme's name and details.
  • Delete Theme
    Remove a theme from your online store.
  • Retrieve Theme
    Grab all details about a specific theme.
  • Get List of Theme Assets
    Obtain a list of all theme assets from a specific theme. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Update Theme Asset
    Modify a theme asset's name and details.
  • Delete Theme Asset
    Remove a theme asset from your online store.
  • Update Product Variant
    Modify specific Shopify product variant's details for an existing product.
  • Retrieve Product Variant
    Grab all details about specific Shopify product variants from an existing product.
  • Exclusive Order Remove Tag
    Remove one or more tags from an existing order.
  • Exclusive Product Remove Tag
    Remove one or more tags from an existing product.
  • Exclusive Customer Remove Tag
    Remove one or more tags from an existing customer.
  • Adds Product to Custom Collection
    Add a product to a custom collection.
  • Remove Product from Custom Collection
    Remove a product from a custom collection.
  • Retrieve Collect
    Grab all details about a specific collect.
  • Get List of Collects
    Obtain a list of collects. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Count Collects
    Add up all custom collects on your online store.
  • Theme Publish
    Publish one of your store's unpublished themes.
  • Set Customer Address
    Sets an address for a customer.
  • List Fulfillments
    Retrieve a list of fulfillments.
  • Create Fulfillment
    Create a fulfillment. Typically requires creating a fulfillment order first.
  • Cancel Fulfillment
    Cancel a fulfillment.
  • Update Fulfillment Tracking
    Update a fulfillment's tracking information.
  • Retrieve Order Fulfillment
    Grab all details about a specific order fulfillment on an order.
  • Retrieve Fulfillment Order
    Retrieve a specific fulfillment order.
  • Cancel Fulfillment Order
    Cancel a fulfillment order.
  • Close Fulfillment Order
    Marks a fulfillment order as incomplete.
  • Hold Fulfillment Order
    Applies a fulfillment hold on an open fulfillment order.
  • Move Fulfillment Order
    Moves a fulfillment order to a new location.
  • Open Fulfillment Order
    Marks the fulfillment order as open.
  • Release Fulfillment Order Hold
    Releases the fulfillment hold on a fulfillment order.
  • Reschedule Fulfillment Order
    Reschedules the fulfill at time of a scheduled fulfillment order.
  • Set Fulfillment Order Deadline
    Sets deadline for fulfillment orders.
  • Create Order Fulfillment
    Create an Order Fulfillment and Fulfill the order in a single step.
  • Get List of Abandoned Checkouts
    Obtain a list of abandoned checkouts. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Send Fulfillment Request
    Send a fulfillment request for a fulfillment order.
  • Retrieve Order's Fulfillment Orders
    Grab fulfillment orders for a specific order.
  • Exclusive Retrieve Order Metafield
    Grab the value of a metafield on an order.
  • Exclusive Retrieve Product Metafield
    Grab the value of a metafield on a product.
  • Exclusive Retrieve Customer Metafield
    Grab the value of a metafield on a customer.
  • Exclusive Retrieve Draft Order Metafield
    Grab the value of a metafield on a draft order.
  • Exclusive Retrieve Variant Metafield
    Grab the value of a metafield on a product variant.
  • Get List of Metafields
    Obtain a list of metafields. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Get List of Collections' Products
    Obtain a list of products in a collection. This action will return 50 results by default, with a maximum of 250.
  • Retrieve Collection
    Grab all details about the collection.
  • Exclusive Create or Update Order Note Attribute
    Create or modify an existing order note attribute. Appears in the Additional details section of an order details page.
  • Exclusive Create or Update Draft Order Note Attribute
    Create or modify an existing draft order note attribute. Appears in the Additional details section of a draft order details page.
  • Retrieve Product Variant Details from SKU
    Returns IDs for the Product, Product Variant and Inventory Item when given a SKU.
  • Exclusive Send Invoice for Order
    Send an invoice for an order that has outstanding balance.
  • Retrieve Metafield
    Grab all details about a metafield.
  • Get List of Catalogs
    Obtain a list of catalogs.
  • Retrieve Catalog
    Grab all details about a catalog.
  • Get List of Price Lists
    Obtain a list of price lists.
  • Retrieve Price List
    Grab all details about a price list.
  • Get List of Sales Channels
    Obtain a list of sales channels.
  • Retrieve Sales Channel
    Grab all details about a sales channel.
  • Publish Product or Collection
    Publish a product or collection to a specific sales channel.
  • Unpublish Product or Collection
    Unpublish a product or collection from a specific sales channel.
  • Retrieve Inventory Levels
    Grab all details about inventory levels (includes details about quantities, incoming, available, and location).
  • Get List of Gift Cards
    Obtain a list of gift cards.
  • Create Gift Card
    Create a gift card.
  • Retrieve Gift Card
    Grab all details about a gift card.
  • Update Gift Card
    Modify an existing's gift card.
  • Retrieve Count of Gift Cards
    Grab a count of gift cards.
  • Disable Gift Card
    Deactivate a gift card.
  • Search Gift Card
    Search for a gift card.
  • Create Metaobject
    Create a metaobject.
  • Retrieve Metaobject
    Grab all details about a metaobject.
  • Update Metaobject
    Modify an existing metaobject's details.
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Not interested in learning another app? Oooh, we get it. Alternatively, turn to a fast, efficient team who is all about getting your perfect workflow up and running in a flash. That's us by the way. In case that wasn't clear.

  1. Tell us about your workflow. Reach out and explain all the nuances to the challenges you're currently facing. Whether it's repetative tasks, keeping business systems in sync or creating new shopping experiences for your customers, our experts will listen
  2. We'll make it in 1 business day. Our experts will hand-craft the workflows to meet your exact needs. They'll setup each the automation on your store with each step configured to match your requirements so all you have to do is turn it on.
  3. Boom! Problem solved. Sit back and relax knowing you have MESA reliably handling this work automatically. Start exploring more ways to strealine your efforts and enjoy the automation lifestyle! 🚀

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