Tag Products When Compare At Price Differs from Regular Price

You may run into a scenario where you need to automatically tag products when the Compare At price differs from the regular price. That’s what the following workflow does.

It works by triggering on the product update event and then simply looping over the variants, then using the Filter step to compare the Compare At Price and the regular price.

Remember that you can use the Time Travel feature to run this workflow retroactively against your whole catalog if you need to. And we don’t bill you for those time travel runs, unlike many other automation platforms.

Watch the demo

How do I use this demo file?

  1. Add MESA from the Shopify App Store. Enjoy a 7-day free trial to start.
  2. Import this download to My Workflows. Navigate to your automations then follow the prompt to import a workflow. Upload the downloaded ZIP file from this demo.
  3. That's it! Personalize any step if you want. You got this.
  4. Questions? Shoot me an email: [email protected]
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