Tag Archives: Shopify

Tag Products That Are Only Available In Your POS Channel

This workflow queries the various channels (or “publications”) your products are published to and tags them based on your specified…

shopify airtable automation demo

Schedule Discounts For Holidays Using Compare At Price

While scheduling discounts in Shopify is straightforward, they often lack the Compare At strikethrough visual that highlights the discount. This…

shopify custom code automation demo

Make Webhook-Based Workflows 100% Reliable With Reconciliation Job

Most standard workflows triggered by events like Customer Updated or Order Created in Shopify rely on Shopify’s webhooks. While these…

How To Reduce Abandoned Carts On Your Shopify Stores

Abandoned carts are a plague to a Shopify store. Some 70% of carts are abandoned for reasons varying from unexpected…

Out of Stock Notification Email

How to receive an email when a product goes out of stock

Having up-to-the-minute information regarding your Shopify store’s inventory levels can be challenging. This post will show you how to receive…

Getting Started with Salesforce

How to Send a Shopify Customer to a Salesforce Contact

Business growth will always come with its own set of specific problems centered around customer retention and loyalty. How you…

best Product Reviews Apps

Best Shopify Product Reviews Apps

Did you know that product reviews can be a great way to encourage customers to connect with your brand? That’s…

17 Ecommerce Metrics Shopify Store Owners Need to Track

17 Ecommerce Metrics Shopify Store Owners Need to Track

The best business owners know the importance of data. Metrics provide a clear picture of performance and deliver key insights…

The Ultimate Shopify Glossary

The Ultimate Shopify Glossary: 51 Words Every New Store Owner Needs to Know

As eCommerce platforms go, it’s probably fair to say the Shopify glossary has the kindest learning curve. That said, there’s…

The Top 4 Places to Start Your Search for a Shopify Developer

For an experienced developer, the possibilities with Shopify are pretty much endless. They can design a store no one’s ever…

3 Easy Marketing Methods to Drive Traffic to Your Shopify Store

If you run a Shopify store with great products that you completely believe in, it can be frustrating when you…

3 Lucrative Reasons to Migrate to Shopify Plus

Shopify Plus excels when it comes to providing a platform for established eTailers to build their ecommerce operation on. There…

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