Tag Archives: tagging

Tag/Untag A Product When Added/Removed From A Collection

These two workflows allow you to tag a product when it’s added to a collection and remove the tag when…

shopify email automation demo

Email Customers When A Tag Is Added To An Order

This workflow enables you to send emails to customers when tags are added to their orders. Ideal for tracking various…

How To Master AND And OR Logic In Shopify Collections

This automation demo will introduce you to an innovative workflow that addresses the specific challenge of Shopify collections and or…

How To Do Shopify Gender Tagging With ChatGPT

The ability to segment and understand your customer base is crucial for crafting targeted marketing strategies. This is where Shopify…

shopify chatgpt automation demo

How To Add Tags From Product Images Using ChatGPT Vision API

In the visually driven world of ecommerce, where product images play a pivotal role in customer engagement and conversion, the…

Location-Specific Product Collections Based On Inventory Levels

This workflow allows you to create product collections based on specific inventory locations set up in Shopify. It tags products…