Tag Archives: coupons

Track Segment Event When Customer Coupon Is Expiring In 1 Week

If you generate individual, expiring coupons for customers and need to trigger notifications as the expiration date approaches, this workflow…

shopify coupon code automation demo

Black Friday: Unique Coupon Codes For First 100 New Customers

Reward the first 100 customers who make a purchase on Black Friday with unique coupon codes. Simply set the price…

schedule to shopify automation demo

Create A Coupon Code That’s Valid Once Per Customer Per Month

This workflow allows you to generate a coupon code that each customer can use only once per month. By implementing…

Detect Duplicate Coupon Code Usage From Customers

This workflow helps you identify customers who are bypassing one-time use coupon restrictions by using different email addresses on subsequent…

shopify email automation demo

Send A Daily Summary Of Coupon Code Usage To Your Team

Keep your team informed about the performance of your promotional strategies with this efficient workflow. Every day, this automation compiles…

Checking For Coupon Code Abuse Using ChatGPT

Ensure the integrity of your promotional campaigns by detecting and preventing coupon code abuse. This workflow triggers on order creation,…