AI-Generated Thank You Email To Customers Who Write Product Reviews

This workflow will allow you to generate a unique thank-you email to send to each customer who writes a product review for you.

In this example, we’re using one of our newest reviews app integrations – Fera.

We’re combining it with our approval step so that your team can manually review these emails before they go out.

You will notice that sometimes reviews contain criticism in them and the ChatGPT response will usually express that you are taking that feedback into consideration, so it’s important that you take the time to review those and consider the feedback.

Preview workflow steps

You’ll need to customize the content in the ChatGPT step with some content from your webite’s About page. This will help to fine tune the tone and style of the email. The example content that you see in there is from a website we tested with called Carnivore Snax.

Once you Test the workflow you can pop over to the Approvals tab to see what it has generated:

How do I use this demo file?

  1. Add MESA from the Shopify App Store. Enjoy a 7-day free trial to start.
  2. Import this download to My Workflows. Navigate to your automations then follow the prompt to import a workflow. Upload the downloaded ZIP file from this demo.
  3. That's it! Personalize any step if you want. You got this.
  4. Questions? Shoot me an email: [email protected]
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