2-Way Inventory Sync Between Shopify Stores

This workflow template will allow you to sync inventory hourly between two separate Shopify stores. We are doing this on a schedule and not using Shopify’s real-time webhooks because webhook delivery time (and the delivery itself) is not guaranteed, which would, in the case of inventory sync, cause bad things to happen.

Watch The Demo

Workflow 1: Send Inventory Changes To Other Store

Workflow 2: Receive Inventory Changes From Other Store

Viewing The Inventory Change Data

This query can be useful for viewing inventory changes in Data by MESA.

SELECT mesa_id, run_time, sku, location_name, available, delta, status
FROM "inventory_levels"
ORDER BY mesa_id ASC

It will look something like this:

How do I use this demo file?

  1. Add MESA from the Shopify App Store. Enjoy a 7-day free trial to start.
  2. Import this download to My Workflows. Navigate to your automations then follow the prompt to import a workflow. Upload the downloaded ZIP file from this demo.
  3. That's it! Personalize any step if you want. You got this.
  4. Questions? Shoot me an email: [email protected]
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